Forever Chemicals of Concern in Plastics

Forever Chemicals of Concern in Plastics

Many plastics and microplastics, including some of the ones our foods are packaged in, contain chemicals of concern.

Some of these plastic ‘chemicals of concern’ are considered endocrine disruptors and are linked to infertility, miscarriages and certain types of cancers that could affect us and our loved ones including our pets.

Endocrine Disruptors

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences say endocrine disruptors are natural or human-made chemicals that may mimic or interfere with the body’s hormones, known as the endocrine system. They can cause anything from infertility to cancer.

What Can We Do About Chemicals of Concern In Plastics?

Chemicals of concern are in such a large percentage of our every day plastics  In order to make a difference we’ll need to carefully manage these chemicals, including by phasing them out of plastics, to help reduce the load of chemicals of concern entering the environment. The problem is there’s already so much there it’s going to take time.

99% of plastics are manufactured by burning toxic fossil fuels. So, by using plastic we are not only polluting the air but we are polluting our bodies.

The only true way to get them out of our lives is to stop using many of the plastics do every day like water bottles, milke bottle, plastic bags and ready-cook meals in plastic trays.

Sign this petition to tell supermarkets:

Stop Selling Dangerous Plastics That Hurt Our Loved Ones

Why is the government allowing the manufacturing and selling of all that plastic when…?

  • Only 9% of all plastic is actually recycled.
  • 58% of all plastic is burned – releasing toxins into the air.
  • Eight million pieces of plastic pollution get into the ocean every day and begin to break down into microplastics.
  • It’s why 1-in-3 fish caught for human consumption have harmful microplastics in them.

We’ve known for quite a while that burning fossil fuels pollutes our planet and that pollution causes respiratory diseases. Recently, we found out that pollution is linked to dementia, so….

Why are supermarkets still allowed to sell us all that plastic?

Some have made attempts to cut down on plastic others haven’t stopped because no one has demanded it. Now is the time to be vocal and tell them we won’t take it anymore.

Read: Why you should end your plastic use.

Sign the petition to tell supermarkets you want safe non-plastic options for yourself and your family.

Forever Chemicals of Concern
Forever Chemicals of Concern

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